Monday, May 19, 2008

Too Much

I have been feeling so overwhelmed by this topic lately; I think that's why the posting has slowed down quite a bit from when I first began. Initially my mind was exhilerated by the ideas I wanted to share, the books I was/am reading, and the resources that have influenced mine and Tyler's finances in the last two years. But now...I am just plain tired. Not so much tired of thinking about these things-that will probably always keep me fired up and energized. I think my fatigue stems from the feeling of having so much to unload-- I'm not sure where to begin anymore.

Actually, here's the truth. About six weeks ago a friend of mine from college had a stroke and through a rough series of events has been on full life support since then. Mostly, I have been asking about God's intervention. How, when, why, where does God intervene or not intervene? Is this 'God intersecting our life stuff' just something we tell ourselves to feel better? I do still believe that God moves in our lives, but to what degree? This question is not just about my friend, but about all of life. Particularly, about poverty as well.

Where is God in the midst of the traumas in our world? I see Scritpure narrative teaching us that God is always present and near to us. I believe this. However, when and where are the miracles? I tend to believe right now that more than interacting in the processes of my friend's recovery, God is present through the redemption that comes to her family as they process this tragedy, cope in the meantime, and plan for the future. But isn't it true for the impoverished as well? God is in the process of redeeming this world through the power of Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. So much so, that I confidently want to say, that God is just as grieved by the plight of the poor as anyone else who cares deeply for them, even more so, just as God is also grieving for my friend alongside her family. So why then, does it continue? Why does my friend still need her ventilator? Why is Skid Row a real place, and where did this AIDS pandemic originate? Did God surrendur the right to fully intervene and rescue when humanity was incorporated into the process of serving as God's helpers in redeeming and being redeemed? I am thankful for the Gospel of Matthew today (see prior post) and his eschatological assumption that Christ will come again and God's kingom will be fully restored. This is a truth I hang to tightly and often!

My work on the site is officially "due" on Wednesday, but I think my thoughts here will continue. Please keep reading and participating as you feel led. I will blog when the thoughts are too much to keep in and as questions keep arising.

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